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SUN : $1000+
Help us do the most to support the community through robotics by achieving the Sun level. The most amount of benefits, They include:
- Your company/ foundation name on the front of our T-shirts
- Logo on the website, and on our team banner
- Sometimes advertise products
- We will have your sticker on the robot
- Name and logo on our posters

Jupiter : $500+
Help us create events to spread STEM toward young audiences by achieving the Jupiter level. The benefits include:
- Your company/ foundation name on the back of our T-shirts
- Logo on the website, and on our team banner
- We will have your sticker on the robot
- Name and logo on our posters

Saturn : $250+
Support us in FTC with this worthy deal, benefits include:
, - Logo on the team website
- We will have your sticker on the robot
- Name and logo on our posters

mars: $100+
Don't wanna go overboard? This is the option for you, benefits include:
-Name on our team website
-Name and logo on our posters
moon: less than $100

For those who do not need much advertising but would like to donate, the lowest benefit is:
-Tag on our photos on Instagram
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