Skystone robot: Festivus

Our robot for this season is dubbed "Festivus" for the integrated capstone it has with the Festivus pole:

This robot has a similar drivetrain as last year, but also features odometry modules, a 6 stage lift for stacking blocks high, a large claw to grab them, a tape-measure parking assist, servo latches for grabbing the foundation, and servos on the grabber to release the capstone.
We used a number of sensors to help control the robot including a touch sensor in the front for detecting contact with the foundation, a magnetic limit switch to ensure that the lift would stop at the bottom, and the phones camera for computer vision.
The first version of the robot that we used in the November 17 2019 qualifier utilized two color distance sensors-the color sensor was used to detect the skystone, and the two sensors allowed us to detect double stone grabbing, allowing the robot to stop and release and pick up only one.
The version above uses the camera phone and computer vision for detecting skystones.
The software is much more sophisticated with odometry (for enabling the robot to know where it is at all times), PID control, pure pursuit path planning, and a concurrent software architecture to enable the lift to operate in parallel with the drivetrain.
In autonomous, we could solo and do 3 stones delivered onto the foundation with the first two being skystones, move the foundation to the depot, and park. In teleop, we could stack up to 8 high with capstone, move foundation out of depot , and park.
In the regional championship, we realized that we did not need a "third" dimension for the capstone as it could meet the requirement if placed diagonally in the sizing box. There was unanimous airing of grievances against the Festivus pole for hitting the bridge and messing up the autonomous in the first two matches. Hence, using only a screwdriver like David Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey, our coach and two team members pried off the 3d-print attached steel pole. After this, Festivus executed a perfect autonomous, proving that you don't necessarily need the pole for a happy Festivus.
Season highlights:
Qualifier 1 (Sequoia HS, Redwood City, 11/17/2019)
Winning alliance first pick
Control award 1st place
Innovate award 2nd place
Qualifier 2 (Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, 1/18/2020)
Finalist alliance captain
Norcal regional championship (Independence HS, San Jose, 3/8/2020)
Gold division 3rd place finish
3rd seed alliance captain (semi-finals)
Control award 3rd place
Festivus V1 and V2:
Festivus V1 in action:
Festivus V2 in action:
Festivus V3 in action: