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Serenity Now!

Team #14504

FTC Robotics team Serenity Now! was formed in 2018 in Fremont CA.  We are a bunch of 11th graders in Fremont, CA hoping to learn a lot about successfully implementing and managing all aspects of a complex engineering project in a competitive environment.

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2018-2019 (Rover Ruckus):

Q1: Semi-finalist alliance first pick, Q33d seed alliance captain

2019-2020 (Skystone):

Q1: Winning alliance first pick, Control award 1st Place, Innovate award 2nd place,

Q2: Finalist alliance captain

Norcal regional championship: 3d place Gold division, 3d seed alliance captain, Control award 3d place

2020-2021 (Ultimate Goal):

Q1: 6th highest scoring team, Control Award 3rd Place

Q2: 6th highest scoring team (again!), Control Award 1st Place

Qualified for NorCal regional championship 

about FIRst Tech Challenge
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Every year, the FIRST Tech Challenge is a robotics competition where teams build a robot in order to accomplish missions in a challenge issued that year.  


The robots have to do some challenges in an "autonomous" mode, using preprogrammed behavior, and do others in a "teleop" mode, where team drivers remotely drive their robots using video game controllers. The robots are rebuilt every season so they can meet the requirements for the new challenge.


Teams compete against one another not only in the robot game, but for award categories as well. There are not only technical awards, but also awards for outreach, and connecting with the STEM community at large. This is a great opportunity to learn about leadership and working together as a team.

This year's challenge is "Ultimate Goal":
Wouldn't to support a team...of us...please? (sorry another Seinfeld reference)
But please do support us at any level you are able to!
NOTICE: If you are going to donate, please select the friends and family option! Thank You!
If you are willing to sponsor us, reach us via email:
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Contact us!

Thanks for submitting!

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© 2020 by FTC Team 14504  Serenity Now! 

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